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Official Examples

Guides, tutorials, and configurations for using Ory services. Examples maintained and tested by the Ory team.

Protect a Page with Login: Next.js/React

by @ory

Protect a Page with Login: Express.js

by @ory

Protect a Page with Login: Go

by @ory

Protect a Page with Login: PHP

by @ory

Protect a Page with Login: Vue.js

by @ory

Protect a Page with Login: Flutter

by @ory

Protect a Page with Login: Django

by @ory

Protect a Page with Login: Flask

by @ory

Customize Self-service UI: Node.js

by @ory

Customize Self-service UI: Next.js/React

by @ory

Customize Self-service UI: React Native

by @ory

Ory Cloud with Supabase Backend

by @ory

Community Examples

Guides, tutorials, and configurations for using Ory services contributed by the Ory community.

Customize Self-service UI: Flutter

by @amorevino

Customize Self-service UI: Flutter Web

by @IGLU-Agency

Protect a Page with Login: Kotlin

by @hbrammer

Customize Self-service UI: NextJs

by @spa5k

Customize Self-service UI: Erlang

by @hrefhref

Customize Self-service UI: Rescript

by @allancalix

Customize Self-service UI: Svelte

by @micleyman

Customize Self-service UI: Svelte

by @drejohnson

Customize Self-service UI: Svelte

by @emrahcom

Selfhosted Examples

Guides, tutorials, and configurations for self-hosting Ory services. These examples are partly contributed by the Ory community, in parts by the Ory team.

API Gateway using Kong, Ory Kratos & Ory Oathkeeper

by @ory

Ory Oathkeeper Configurations

by @ory

Ory Hydra Nginx Configurations

by @ory

Ory Kratos Nginx Configurations

by @ory

Basic Admin UI for Ory Kratos

by @dfoxg

SSO and ACL Ory Stack

by @pngouin

Reference Ory Stack Docker Compose

by @radekg

Ory Kratos with Supabase Backend

by @ory

Ory Hydra / Kratos Integration in Go

by @atreya2011